Battlegrounds Mobile India pre registration link Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration link is already live on the Google Play Store. To pre-register, head over to the Battlegrounds Mobile India application on the Google Play Store and click on the 'pre-register' button. That's it. Users will be notified when the game is launched and is available to download and play. Krafton had said there will be 4 exclusive pre-registration rewards, including the Recon Mask, the Recon Outfit, Celebration Expert Title, and 300 AG. Battlegrounds Mobile will be quite different from PUBG Mobile global version. All the players will be fully clothed when they land on a map, the game will have less visual bloodshed comparatively and the blood will be in green instead of red. Though the maps could be similar to PUBG Mobile, they could have different names and most importantly, PUBG Mobile player IDs and achievements may not be retained . The game could have exclusive in-g...